Study on Influence of Oily Material on Emulsion Matrix Viscosity of On-site Mixing Explosive
The on-site transportation of on-site mixing emulsion explosive requires good rheological property and suitable viscosity of emulsified explosive. The viscosity of latex matrix reflects the viscosity of emulsified explosive in the large. The influence of oily material and its ingredient on emulsion matrix viscosity was studied, in order to choose appropriate ingredient of oily material for on-site mixing emulsion explosive. Meanwhile, the performances of the emulsion explosive which prepared by the determined ingredient was tested, the results show that the performances of the emulsion explosive approach to the performances of on-site mixing emulsion explosive.
作者: 张东杰 [1]张现亭 [1]陆丽园 [1]章晋英 [1]
作者单位: 煤炭科学研究总院爆破技术研究所,安徽 淮北,235039
刊 名: 火工品
Journal: Initiators & Pyrotechnics
年,卷(期): 2013, (1)
分类号: TQ564
关键词: 乳化炸药 油相材料 现场混装 乳胶基质 黏度
Keywords: Emulsion explosiveOily materialOn-site mixingEmulsion matrixViscosity
在线出版日期: 2013年5月28日
原文网址:- http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical/hgp201301014
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