Investigation for keeping high - performance of low - temperature sensitized emulsion explosive at low- temperature weather
To effectively solve the status of unstable product quality of low - temperature sensitized emulsion explosive at low - temperature weather, the stability of product quality was improved from three aspects as adjusting process parameter, improving process equipment, and ameliorating storage environment. Results shown that product quality of low - temperature sensitized emulsion explosive at low - temperature weather had been significantly promoted, such as reforming effects were obvious.
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-9411.2012.04.006
作者: 冉胜会
作者单位: 贵州久联民爆器材发展股份有限公司,贵州贵阳,550001
刊 名: 贵州化工
Journal: Guizhou Chemical Industry
年,卷(期): 2012, 37(4)
分类号: TQ560.71
关键词: 乳化炸药 低温敏化 低温天气 产品质量
Keywords: emulsion explosivelow -temperature sensitizinglow- temperature weatherproduct quality
机标分类号: S68 P9
在线出版日期: 2012年10月24日
原文网址:- http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical/guizhg201204006
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