Experimental Study on the Detonation Characteristic of Powdery Emulsion Explosive in Curved Charge
Detonation characteristics of powdery emulsion explosive in curved charge were studied experimentally by velocity deficit. In the experiments, powdery emulsion explosive was charged in a curved groove which was machined in steel plates of 304 steel and detonation velocities of the charge in different part of the groove were measured by detonation velocity meter. The results show that curved charge can decrease the strength of detonation continuously,and obvious velo-city deficit of the charged explosive is observed. When cross section area S of the curved charge is fixed,the velocity deficit will increase with the reduction of curvature radius R . When curvature radius R of the curved charge is fixed,the velocity deficit will increase with the reduction of cross section area S. The effect of R to detonation propagation is greater than that of S. The experimental formulas between S,R and velocity deficit were also proposed.
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2014.02.005
作者: 倪欧琪 [1]解立峰 [2]李斌 [2]韩志伟 [2]
Author: NI Ouqi [1] XIE Lifeng [2] LI Bin [2] HAN Zhiwei [2]
作者单位: 南京理工大学化工学院 江苏南京 210094; 国家民用爆破器材质量监督检验中心 江苏南京 210094 南京理工大学化工学院 江苏南京 210094
刊 名: 爆破器材ISTIC
Journal: Explosive Materials
年,卷(期): 2014, (2)
分类号: TD235.2+1 TJ55 TQ56
关键词: 粉状乳化炸药 爆轰 弯曲装药 爆速亏损
Keywords: powdery emulsion explosivedetonationcurved chargevelocity deficit
机标分类号: TQ5 O38
在线出版日期: 2014年5月15日
原文网址:- http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical/bpqc201402007
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