Adding diesel into expanded ammonium nitrate explosive could decrease the return fine rate,but which also decreased the explosive performance. Based on the basic theory and scientific tests of explosive explosion, the relationship between the diesel ratio and the explosive performance,as well as the return fine rate was studied. At the same time,the relationship curves were drawn. Finally,by discussing the comprehensive relationship,the method to determine the optimal diesel ratio was obtained. The results showed that,with the increase of diesel ratio,the oxy-gen balance,heat of explosive and detonation velocity were decreased;the return fine rate curve was divided into three phases as AB( decline obviously),BC( not remarkably)and CD( maintain);the diesel ratio should be less than 10%;when qmax was in CD,the diesel fuel ratio should be taken as the value of C;when it was in BC,which should be taken as close to the value of B;and the value of qmax should be taken when it was in AB.
doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1001-487X.2014.04.027
作者: 陈德炎 [1]罗先伟 [2]杨岳阳 [1]黄琳 [1]
Author: CHFN De-yan [1] LUO Xian-wei [2] YANG Yue-yang [1] HANG Ling [1]
作者单位: 广西华锡集团股份有限公司 铜坑矿,河池,547207 广西华锡集团股份有限公司 高峰矿,河池,547207
Journal: Blasting
年,卷(期): 2014, (4)
分类号: TD235.21
关键词: 膨化硝铵炸药 柴油配比 氧平衡 爆热 爆速 返粉率
Keywords: expanded ammonium nitrate explosivediesel ratiooxygen balanceexplosion heatdetonation velocityreturn fine rate
机标分类号: TQ5 TD2
在线出版日期: 2014年12月30日
原文网址:- http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical/bp201404027
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