The current integration of power grid dispatching and control has many deficiencies, and in order to improve the real-time and accuracy of the data, this paper proposes an integrated system scheme based on network protection and a distributed panoramic data platform system scheme. The new monitoring system changes from the traditional four-layer structure to three layers, namely process layer, equipment layer and control layer. The panoramic data platform uses a distributed real-time database for different areas, a sequence database for storing the massive historical data, and builds a data model using objects and containers. Based on the steady state data in different operating modes, comprehensive data can be obtained by using parallel computing and the data model, which improves the real-time characteristics. The application verification shows that the new scheme has some advantages in solving the current problems.
作者: 张道杰 王广民 慕宗君 李江林 李贞 包芳
Author: ZHANG Dao-jie WANG Guang-min MU Zong-jun LI Jiang-lin LI Zhen BAO Fang
作者单位: 许继集团有限公司,河南 许昌,461000
刊 名: 电力系统保护与控制ISTICEIPKU
Journal: Power System Protection and Control
年,卷(期): 2013, (14)
分类号: TM764
关键词: 调控一体化 信息平台 同一断面 稳态数据
Keywords: dispatching and control integrationinformation platformsame sectionsteady state data
机标分类号: TP3 TN9
在线出版日期: 2013年8月3日
基金项目: 国家电网公司科技项目
原文网址:- http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical/jdq201314025
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