Testing system and method were designed to study the bending resistance of industrial detonators .The bending resistance of some industrial detonators made in china was tested by the system .The results show that the test device is safe, reliable, and easy to operate , which can meet the testing requirements of bending resistance of industrial detonators .The bending resistance of domestic industrial detonators could meet the relevant standards of EU , and the quality reached the level of similar products in developed countries .
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2014.03.008
作者: 郑思友 翟廷海 夏斌
Author: ZHENG Siyou ZHAI Tinghai XIA Bin
作者单位: 中煤科工集团淮北爆破技术研究院有限公司 安徽淮北,235000
刊 名: 爆破器材ISTIC
Journal: Explosive Materials
年,卷(期): 2014, (3)
分类号: TQ565 O389
关键词: 爆炸力学 工业雷管 抗弯性能 试验装置 试验方法
Keywords: explosion mechanicsindustrial detonatorbending resistancetesting systemtesting method
机标分类号: TP2 TB6
在线出版日期: 2014年7月15日
原文网址:- http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical/bpqc201403008
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