针对煤矿井下岩巷掘进爆破三级煤矿许用炸药爆炸能量低、循环进尺少、炮孔利用率低的问题,通过实验室试验和工厂中间试验,研制了提高炸药爆破威力的新配方,采用煤矿许用炸药抗爆燃性能测试方法及判定( GBT20061-2006)、煤矿许用炸药可燃气安全度试验方法及判定(GB18097-2000),对送检水胶炸药样品进行可燃气安全度检验、爆轰速度、做功能力测试,测试结果表明,储存6个月后高威力三级煤矿许用水胶炸药的爆速3600 m·s-1、做功能力239 mL、有毒气体含量20 L·kg-1,优于现有的二级煤矿许用水胶炸药,可燃气安全度、抗爆燃性均达到三级煤矿许用水胶炸药标准。现场岩巷掘进工业试验对循环进尺、炮孔利用率、炮孔深度、矸石块度、抛掷距离、巷道周边成型以及炸药消耗量等的统计和比较结果表明,在同等条件且爆破材料消耗基本相当的情况下,高威力三级煤矿许用水胶炸药的破岩能力接近二级煤矿许用水胶炸药,高于三级煤矿许用水胶炸药。
In order to solve the problems of class 3 permissible explosive for rock roadway excavation in coalmine,such as low explosion energy,short footage and low utilization rate of blast hole,through a large number of laboratory test and plant test,a new explosive composition,the high power class 3 coal mine water gel explosive to improve blasting power was developed,and detected by the authority department. Results show that after 6 months storage,detonation velocity of new explosive is 3600 m·s-1 ,power 239 mL,toxic gas composition 20 L·kg-1 ,which is better than class 2 coal mine water gel explosive. And its fuel gas safety,sen-sitiveness,anti-deflagration reach standard of class 3 coal mine water gel explosive. On-site rock roadway test was carried out for study the validation of explosive blasting power from the parameters including the footage,utilization rate of blast hole,hole depth,waste rock fragmentation,thrown distance,around forming and explosive consumption. Results show that under the same conditions and blasting material consumption,the rock breakage capability of new high power class 3 coal mine water gel explo-sive is near that of the class 2 coal mine water gel explosive,higher than that of class 3 coal mine water gel explosive.
doi: 10.11943/j.issn.1006-9941.2014.06.028
作者: 汪海波 郭子如 宗琦
Author: WANG Hai-bo GUO Zi-ruo ZONG Qi
作者单位: 安徽理工大学土木建筑学院,安徽 淮南,232001
刊 名: 含能材料ISTICPKU
Journal: Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials
年,卷(期): 2014, (6)
分类号: TJ55 O69
关键词: 应用化学 煤矿许用水胶炸药 爆炸性能 安全性 炸药威力 应用试验
Keywords: applied chemistrypermissible water gel explosiveblasting effectsafetypower of explosiveapplication experiment
机标分类号: TD2 TQ5
在线出版日期: 2015年1月22日
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目,安徽省博士后基金
原文网址:- http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical/hncl201406034
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