Factors Affecting the Measurement of Toxic Gases Produced by Industrial Explosives
This paper discusses the effects of various factorson the measured contents of toxic gases produced from the explosion of industrial explosives. In experiments, it was observed that the cannon expanding degree has obvious effect on the measured results. With the increase of the expanding degree, the contents of toxic gases increase obviously. When the expanding degrees are 37% and 95%, the increments in the toxic gases in comparison with that of the new cannon are 24. 5% and 29. 2%, respectively. Different kinds of detonators do not have visible effects on the results of high sensitive explosives, while do significantly affect the results of the low sensitive explosives. The toxic gases produced by the military detonators are the least, and that produced by the mining detonator are the most, and in addition, the increments for the expanded nitramine explosive (23. 0%) are bigger than that for the powdery emulsion explosive (10. 8%). The mass of quartz sand alsohas obvious effects on the test results. When the contents of the quartz sand are enough to cover the explosive roll completely, increasing the mass of quartz sand within certain limits leads to the increase in the contents of toxic gases. When the expanding degree of the cannon is very big, increase in the mass of quartz sand to cover the gun muzzle tightly will lead to the decrease in toxic gases.
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2014.06.007
作者: 高贫 潘峰
Author: GAO Pin PAN Feng
作者单位: 南京理工大学化工学院 江苏南京,210094; 国家民用爆破器材质量监督检验中心 江苏南京,210094
刊 名: 爆破器材ISTIC
Journal: Explosive Materials
年,卷(期): 2014, (6)
分类号: TD235.2+1
关键词: 工业炸药 有毒气体 钢炮扩孔 石英砂 雷管
Keywords: industrial explosivetoxic gascannon expandingquartz sanddetonator
在线出版日期: 2015年1月15日
原文网址:- http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical/bpqc201406008
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