Improve the Automatic Level of Emulsion Explosive by Optimization the Process of Ammonium Nitrate Solution
This paper introduces production technology and equipment of ammonium nitrate solution in the production of emulsion explosive. Through the analysis that it can reduce the production of emulsion explosive ammonium nitrate and other traditional crushing process, reduce the noise and dust pollution as well as the online operation of the production line by direct application of ammonium nitrate solution. It has significant social and economic benefits.
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3970.2014.03.008
作者: 吴雪梅
Author: Wu Xuemei
作者单位: 铜陵雷鸣双狮化工有限责任公司,安徽铜陵,244000
刊 名: 煤矿爆破
Journal: Coal Mine Blasting
年,卷(期): 2014, (3)
分类号: TQ111
关键词: 硝酸铵水溶液 乳化炸药 应用 效益
Keywords: Ammonium nitrate solutionEmulsion explosiveapplicationBenefit
在线出版日期: 2014年11月2日
原文网址:- http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical/mkbp201403008
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